Making the Leap - Leadership Transition During Uncertainty - Online Course - April 2024

Making the Leap

At this moment in time many organizations are struggling with getting more things done with less resources. As a result, we all have to get comfortable with uncertainty as we transition our roles to be encompassing of our new reality.

Making the Leap - Leadership Transition During Uncertainty is designed to provide participants with tactics and strategies that will allow them to more fully understand how to navigate through uncertainty while also providing team members and other stakeholders with a sense of stability as we go about executing our roles and responsibilities.

Specifically, the program will cover some or all of the following content:

  • Understanding the Current Business State
  • Leader Expectations
  • Understanding and Supporting Psychological Safety in the Workplace
  • Uncertainty and Resistance to Change
  • Fixed Versus Growth Mindset
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Workplace Communication
  • Elevating Employee Engagement
  • Utilizing Emotional Intelligence
  • Leading Through a Crisis and G.R.I.T.

At the conclusion of the program participants will acquire the following skills:

  • The ability to understand and implement leadership traits to positively impact team performance
  • The ability to understand the critical nature of their role and its impact on team dynamics
  • How to effectively engage team members to optimize goal attainment.

6-hour certificate of participation available for this course.

Requirements: Participants need access to computers with internet access and video capabilities. Reading materials, online discussions, questions and life work assignments will be required throughout this course. The online sessions need to be secured so arriving on-time is critical. Full participation is required for the full certificate at the end of the course.


Required Live Sessions:
Dates: Tuesday, April 22 & Thursday, April 24
Time: 1:00pm-4:00pm ET/12:00pm-3:00pm CT/11:00am-2:00pm MT/10:00am-1:00pm PT

If you need to be invoiced for the training or pay by check, please email: [email protected]

If you have questions about the content or other anything else, please email: [email protected]

Limited scholarships available for unemployed peer specialists through Doors to Wellbeing. Apply here.

Peer Support