Doors to Wellbeing

Doors to Wellbeing is the Copeland Center's SAMHSA-funded National Technical Assistance Center for Mental Health Recovery.

Our Purpose
Doors to Wellbeing (D2W), a Program of the Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery, is dedicated to peer-led initiatives and training supporting the peer support workforce. Focus areas include peer support workforce development, psychiatric advance directives, supported education and employment and youth peer leadership. D2W serves peer supporters, other mental health clinicians, professionals, and administrators, secondary educators, family and community members, and state and local entities looking to integrate peer support within the behavioral health workforce.
What We Do

Youth Leadership Development

Individual Empowerment
Integration of Peer Support into the Behavioral Health Workforce

Organizational Technical Assistance

Peer Support Specialists State-by-State Certification Database
Doors to Wellbeing holds a database containing information for each state on the information needed to become a certified peer specialist. Check out our database, compare state-by-state information, and be sure to come back soon to see our 2024 database update!
Check out our Newsletters
We issue a quarterly newsletter filled with personal stories, resources and current information for the peer support workforce!

Request Training and Technical Assistance
We are available to provide Technical Assistance to promote peer-led initiatives, recovery and wellness to behavioral health and intersecting systems.
Contact us at 888-959-6118 x105
This was webpage was developed under grant number SM082653 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The views, policies, and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of SAMHSA or HHS.
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