In addition to offering training, the Copeland Center partners with organizations to offer programming directly. If you are interested in learning more about partnerships and programming offered, please be in touch.

Vermont Recovery Education Project
The Copeland Center offers high quality experiential education for Vermonters, particularly for those who are working in health and human services. Additionally, we offer opportunities for connection, technical assistance, and mentoring on evidence-based peer practices. Headed by Jane Winterling, Vermont Recovery Education Project Director, the program reaches Vermonters across the state with in-person and online opportunities.

Arizona Quality Service Review
The Copeland Center's Peer Team is conducting outreach and interviews to get feedback on member experiences of services for Maricopa County, AZ. This project is partnership with Mercer Health & Benefits, LLC.

R.E.A.C.H. (Resilience, Education, Action, Community, Health) Your Pathway to Meaningful Activity is an interactive online peer group training designed by peers for peers with the goal to utilize the Copeland Center Group approach to inspire participants to bring meaningful activity into their lives. The Copeland Center has been offering this course as part of a research project with Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion.
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