Wellness and Recovery Toolkits
Taking Action is a wellness self-management and recovery education program developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA) under contract with Mary Ellen Copeland, Ph.D., and assisted by 15 people, including those who have had recovery experiences with mental health, addictions, and co-occurring challenges. This peer-to-peer educational program is rooted in evidence-based strategies and effective experiential approaches. The goal of this program is to promote wellness, stability, recovery, and life transformation. The program utilized SAMHSA's Action Planning for Prevention and Recovery publication. All materials appearing in this document are in the public domain.
Action Planning for Prevention and Recovery contains information, ideas, and strategies that people from all over the country have found to be helpful in relieving and preventing troubling feelings. The information in this booklet can be used safely along with any health or wellness support or treatment. This publication was developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA) under contract with Mary Ellen Copeland, Ph.D. Acknowledgment is given to the many individuals with lived experience of recovery who worked on this project offering advice and suggestions. All materials appearing in this document are in the public domain.
Speaking Out for Yourself - A Self-Help Guide leads you through the steps to being an effective self-advocate. Prepared by Mary Ellen Copeland, Ph.D. for SAMHSA, this booklet is in the public domain.