Is there a state-endorsed certification process?
Does the state differentiate between Mental Health Peer Support Specialists and Substance Use Peer Support Specialists?
What are the educational requirements to apply for a peer specialist training program?
High school diploma, GED, or higher degree.
What are the personal requirements to apply for a peer specialist training program?
What are the professional requirements needed to apply for a peer specialist training program?
What are the training requirements to become a Certified Peer Specialist?
100 clock hours of training, which is accumulated by the individual.
All training must be accompanied by appropriate documentation to count towards the CRSS application. Copies of certificates of attendance and transcripts, etc. are required.
There is no time limit on how far back the training could be acquired previous to the application as long as the applicant has documentation.
40 hours (minimum) must be CRSS specific to Performance Domains: Advocacy, Professional Responsibility, Mentoring and Recovery Support
6 hours (minimum) must be Professional Ethics and Responsibility
Up to 54 hours can be Core Functions training.
Trainings can be CRSS-I (CRSS Specific Performance Domains)
or CRSS-II (relevant to the Core Functions or 'typical duties' of a CRSS).
What is the average cost for CPS training?
Cannot be determined as each individual creates their own training program.
Who is responsible for paying for training? (List all)
Other potential funding sources.
Is there a state-wide certification test?
Yes. The examination is comprised of 100 multiple choice questions.
What are the personal/professional requirements for certification, if they differ from attending the training?
Agreement to disclose personal experience as a consumer of mental health or dual diagnosis services, demonstrated by signature of the CRSS Statement of Disclosure.
2000 hours work experience
through any combination of paid, supervised employment AND/OR supervised volunteer service AND/OR supervised internship.
These work experience hours must be in a position where the applicant spends at least 51% of their time providing recovery support services, as evidenced by the position description.
100 hours of Documented Supervision from a work, volunteer, or internship experience that was maintained for at least 1 year. Documentation of supervision must cover the performance domains.
Is a background check required? If so, is a criminal record a disqualification for certification?
What is the cost of the certification test?
Does the certification test need to be taken regularly to maintain certification?
Only if the certification is placed on inactive status.
Aside from any fees for the training or state-wide certification test, are there other certification fees/costs?
CRSS Application Fee $ 75.00 Annual Certification Fee (CRSS I) $ 60.00 with a $10.00 per month late fee CEU Extension Fee (per month - maximum six months) $ 5.00 CEU Petition Fee $ 10.00
Is there a statewide certification body?
Yes, Illinois Certification Board
Please provide as much information about the certification board/body as possible.
Illinois Certification Board, Inc.
401 E Sangamon Avenue
Springfield, IL 62702
General Mailbox [email protected]
ICB is a private, non-profit organization.
Where can information be found for upcoming peer support trainings?
Any training or educational opportunity may be considered relevant if it covers information on the Performance Domains or Core Functions of the CRSS.
On average, how often are trainings held in your state?
Cannot be determined as each individual creates their own training program.
Training providers (vendors) and their contact information.
Any training that is specific to the Performance Domains or Relevant to the core functions of a CRSS may count towards the 100 hours of training required.
Illinois Department of Human Services/Department of Mental Health offers some specific trainings, however these are not required:
CRSS Fundamentals Training is 1 day, on site, and held once a year in Chicago, Springfield, and Mount Vernon.
CRSS Competency Training is held once a year in Chicago, Springfield, and Mount Vernon. CRSS Competency Training is a 3 day, on site training.
Recovery & Empowerment Statewide Calls are held once a month via telephone conference for 1 hour.
What are the continuing education requirements?
Forty (40) continuing education units (CEUs) are required to maintain board certification, and must be earned within the two-year certification period. An average of 20 CEUs should be obtained each year. CEUs are not transferable to any other certification period. CEUs earned prior to initial certification are not eligible to be used for maintaining certification. The CRSS professional may receive CEU credit only once for a training event, even if repeated during different certification periods. A CEU is equivalent to one clock hour.
All 40 CEU’s required to maintain certification must be recognized by ICB or petitioned for ICB approval. Continuing education is broken down into two categories. Some continuing education may be recognized by the ICB for both categories.
Category I - Minimum 15 CEUs of education specific to knowledge and skills related to mental health recovery and the role of peer support in the recovery process
** Examples of Category I education are: Advocacy, Professional Responsibility, Mentoring and Recovery Support
Category II - Minimum 25 CEUs of education specific to knowledge and skills related to the Core Functions of CRSS professionals, but do not have to be specific to mental health recovery and peer support. This education covers support services skills, competencies, and knowledge base.
Who tracks CEUs?
CRSS professionals are responsible for maintaining their own certification, and they are responsible for completing the necessary work in regard to certification maintenance. Unless it is renewed, their certification shall expire annually on their certif
Is there a certification requirement for CPS Supervisors? If yes, provide details of requirements and relevant information.
The supervisor does not need to have ICB certification but they must be knowledgeable in the CRSS domains.
Additional specializations available for certified peer specialists:
This endorsement attests to their competency as a CRSS professional who also has specialized supported employment skills and training -- Dartmouth Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Supported Employment Practitioner Skills Training.
What are the different acronyms used to distinguish peer supporters and specific peer support specialties?
CPRS: Certified Peer Recovery Specialist
CPRS-E: Certified Peer Recovery Specialist - Employment Endorsement
Certified Family Partnership Professional (CFPP)
Are Certified Peer Specialists services Medicaid reimbursable?
How are peer support services paid for by the state? What specific Medicaid waivers are used, if any?
Illinois Behavioral Health Transformation (Section 1115(a)(2) demonstration).
Is there a statewide Peer Specialist organization?
Name of Statewide Peer Specialists Organization*
NAMI Illinois Alliance of Peer Professionals
Peer Specialists Organization Website*
Peer Specialists Organization Primary Contact*
Contact: Becky Brasfield
email: [email protected]
Other relevant/helpful contacts:*
Are there conferences held in the state specifically for Peer Supporters?
Are there recognition or award opportunities for peer support specialists or Substance Use Peer Support Specialists?
Additional Info*
CRSS professionals in good standing unable to meet the continuing education requirements for certification maintenance due to health or extenuating personal reasons may place their certification on inactive status. Inactive status allows CRSS professionals to prevent expiration of their certification, thus avoiding the full reapplication process. Inactive status will be made available to CRSS professionals who are in good standing with ICB, who expect to be inactive for more than two years, and who are unable to meet the requirements for certification maintenance. The process for reactivation from inactive status will then be followed when they wish to activate their certification.
If there are recent changes to the certification process due to COVID-19, are the changes permanent, temporary or other?
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